Thursday, April 26, 2012

Eva Mendes i'd Rather Be Sexy Than Beautiful

Eva Mendes i'd Rather Be Sexy Than Beautiful

She's the envy of many ladies thanks to her blossoming romance with Ryan Gosling, and Eva Mendes brings her hotness to the cover of the March 2012 issue of Zest magazine.

The soon-to-be 38-year-old actress posed for a sporty shoot while speaking with the publication about bod confidence issues and being comfortable in her own skin.

Highlights from Eva's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to pay a visit to Zest

On why she'd rather be sexy than beautiful:
"I prefer the term sexy to beautiful. Because anyone can be sexy. What makes someone really sexy – and you can feel it when they talk to you or even just when they walk into a room – is the sense that they know they have something to contribute. They might be funny, smart or really kind, but they know it and when someone has that strong sense of self-worth, it’s really sexy."

On ending a nine-year relationship in her late 30s:
"We’re still so young! Whatever age you’re at, do you want to look back in 10 years’ time and say, 'Oh I was so young and dumb,' and see the opportunities that passed you by? Flash-forwarding to the future really works for me – even if it’s just my tomorrow self telling my today self to get off the couch and do some exercise."

On dealing with body-confidence issues:
"I went through my teenage years unhappy with what I was born with and complained about everything. But my older sisters and my amazing mum helped me realise I had to change my attitude towards myself. You have to learn to accept the things you can’t change and be brave enough to change the things you can. That was like an epiphany for me – I suddenly realised I had a lot of power over myself."

On being comfortable in her own skin:
"I have this rule that when I look in the mirror, I won’t say something about myself I’d never say to a friend. Never point out your flaws to anyone, ever, including yourself. Accepting compliments is really important, too– even if you don’t agree with them. I’ve never understood why so many women struggle to accept compliments."

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