Too Thin, Tata 'Mahadewi' hated Husband
There are different when he saw the appearance of Governance 'Goddess'. Tata is getting thinner body, made him hated by her husband, Efran.

"Fasting actually lost weight, but Thank God I'm not the intention when the actual diet. But yesterday I was out sick typus so maybe a bit down," he said when met at the Studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Tuesday (08/23/2011) .
Tata now weight 47 pounds. Whereas before Tata body weighs 52 pounds.
"My husband hates his wife does look really skinny," she said with a smile.
The singer was born in Bandung, 28 September 1982 is directly intended to raise the weight back. Currently she felt her clothes into greatness.
"It's good actually like this body, but his clothes all the sag. Might want to ride a kilo and wanted more contained. See a description like a really sick because if skinny," he explained.
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